The Phoenix project PDF Free download is a fiction novel related to IT and information. Bill Palmer is a managing director of the company Parts Unlimited, where he received a call from CEO. His boss told him that the company started a new project named the phoenix project. He gives him all the details. Bill polymer had to help out the company to complete this project in a very good manner. Because the company was gong in loss from the last few months. Moreover, they were losing their shares gradually.
From the last three years, they were doing good have earned too much fame and revenue. so, they didn’t make a single change in directing staff. but, its time to change the staff member because they aren’t;t working well. the project was in the form and he has to give it a complete shape and it was also a high budget and very desperate project he has to make that project very effective so he gets 90 days to complete this project. So, the question is that either he will be able to complete this project within the given time are the whole company will be outcasted.

Bill is just IT manager just converted to a project supervisor and he couldn’t reshape a mega project like Phonics project. Moreover, this book makes you able to understand the value of IT business management after reading this book you will be able to understand or to maintain a business within the field. He starts working on this project with his team to save the company. Whose share was dropped to 16% from 50 percent?
So, the owner demanded from CEO to save the company either he has to pick someone from the joiner board. Also, dismiss the board of directors. Gene Kim is a multiple award-winning CTO, IT expert, security researcher, Tripwire founder, and co-author of several books. he is a multitalented man and his services for the IT are unforgettable. This book is worth reading for IT experts.