Medea by Euripides pdf free download is a Greek methodology. The story is based upon the two-character Jason and Medea. Medea is a princess of the Barbarian kingdom of Colchis. She is also the wife of Jason, meanwhile, Jason leaves her for another woman of Corinth that woman was also princes. This was the first time published in 431 BC. Then this novel was adopted many times in British and also in French theatres.
Jason married to her because she was princes. Then he betrayed her and left her for another woman. Moreover, the changes to his city. Then she decided to take revenge on him. Further, she lives in her city and started preparations for the war. Then Creon the father of the other wife of Jason comes to Medea to send her into exile.

She pledges for a day extension but he didn’t then Jason comes and explains that he didn’t lose the opportunity to marry a princess. Because she is just a barbarian girl. Moreover, he says that one day maybe two families come together he would compensate with Medea as his mistress. But, she refuses and the Creon kills her child and she escapes to Athens, she pledges for shelter to the king of Athens. But he refused to give her shelter.
Then she says that if she provides him drugs to end his infertility then would he shelter her. On this deal, he agrees with her. Here she plans to kill Glace and Creon. She decides to poison them through golden robes. As she wants to hurt Jason and she knows how to hurt him in the best way. Also, she decided to kill her children. At the time of their marriage, she kills his wife and Creon and succeeded in her mission.