The miracle morning by Hal Elrod pdf free download is a self-development book. In this, the writer had described 6 principles for self-development. He said that everyone is busy with his life and to manage their work. They don’t have enough time to manage their lives and even not for self-improvement and their grooming. The writer says that being a good businessman and human being the work on their personality and growth is equally important as their work and business.
Moreover, he says that everyone is too busy even he has not enough time for his growth. So, find out the easiest and time-saving techniques for professional growth. In this book has written 6 minutes for your own. Further, In these 6-minutes, he dedicated each minute to a specific task. In the 1st minute, he says that make a complete silence instead of rushing to their hectic life and daily routine breakfast and other stuff take silence for a minute and think about yourself and your problems.

Moreover, he says in this way you will release your stress and anxiety. 2nd one is an affirmation that sorts your priorities and list down your most important work of the day that you have to complete on that day. Rather than moving to everything and other unnecessary work. Minute 3 is about visualization close your eyes and think about your goals and dreams.
The 4th minute is scribing, think about your success and for what are you grateful to God. Further, minute 5 is about reading grab your favorite book read it, and feel about its maybe you get a new idea. Moreover, the 6th and the last minute is about exercise the writer says that in this minute do exercise for your fitness. The writer Hal Elrod is a famous American author and success coach.