Save the Cat! It was actually written for screenwriters but it works perfectly for novel writing. Last year Jessica Brody released her companion book, Save the Cat! He writes a novel and I highly recommend it because it extends from the original book and breaks the plot of the novel, much of the genre. Jessica Brody knew at an early age that she wanted to be a writer. He started making his own “publishing” books when he was seven, including pages and cardboard, wallpaper samples, and an electric tire.
What the film is about is an important question asked about the many times of casting, production, and distribution of a movie. Audiences are asked before dropping their $ 10 to see a movie. A sales team is being asked as they try to summarize the movie in the movie. Some movies are easy to spot. These may be “pre-sold franchises,” such as “Superman,” “Shrek,” and “Eleven” franchises, and many people know familiar characters and characters.

This explains in particular why Hollywood made such a great sequence and always remembers the Classics. There is already a fan base so social marketing is so easy. Some movies are easy to find as they have one mainline or one line. The meaning of one or two movie sentences – which shows that this movie is full of energy based on plot, characters, and conflict.
This book is often considered to be a screenwriting bible. But I may take it a step further and call it a clear understanding of all storytelling. Trade Secrets are completely revealed and if you read them you can’t watch the movie without seeing the formula wiped before your eyes. Exactly – until the moment. The formula is so clear that Snyder has reduced the page numbers. On page 75, for example, you should have a “lost” moment, or “very dark before dawn”.