Book: Hawain Rukh Badal Gain by Nighat Abdullah
Hawain Rukh Badal Gain by Nighat Abdullah pdf free download an episodic novel and now its 25th episode is available here. It’s an Urdu romantic novel. Hawain rukh Badal gain is an Urdu phrase which means that air has changed its direction. This means that time changes, condition changes. But you have learned to survive in every condition. Although, this world is too cruel for a gentleman. Also, being a gentleman learns to survive. However, that is too much difficult every time. In fact, when conditions are favorable you feel happy and got chill. But it takes a second to become an unfavorable condition.
All history has been a history of class struggles between dominated classes at various stages of social development.
Friedrich Engels
the plot of this novel is similar to these conditions. Hamza is a leading role of the novel belong to a mediocre family. Luckily, he selected for a job in a firm. He loves her mother and sister too much. He was an intelligent surviving guy, was too happy with this. Besides, gives this news to his sister with great excitement. Hamza Ali was too happy with his job. His boss was happy with him. In addition, the company has provided him a bike. Soon it was considering to give him a car and house facility by his performance.
Hamza was a little bit worried about her sister. But she was studying in intermediate. She wants to clear graduation. Further, he has some other family issues. His office mate Rabika was his best friend she was too talkative. Rabika likes him. but he was too much care about any type of mishappening. Nighat Abdullah is a well-known Urdu fiction writer. She has written too many novels. She is most popular in females. Because she writes for females. She put her voice in their support.