Good to Great by Jim Collins pdf free download is a management book about the progress of companies from being good companies to great companies. Which factors affect the growth of a company and how companies fail to make a transition. Jim Collins is an American author, researcher, and consultant on business management and growth. He has used different terms according to the volume and growth of companies.
Like he defines great as, a great company that generates revenue more than the average in the market over a period. He and his team made a list of great companies after research, based on their performance over fifteen years. The transition of a company from good to great is when it earns seven times more revenue than average revenue in the market by great companies over fifteen years. Over long research reading 6000 articles and much more, he identified the 7 keys to the success of a company.

1st is level 1 five leadership, 2nd point is First Who, then What. The 3rd one is Confronts the brutal face, the 4th is the Hedgehog concept, the culture of discipline. Moreover, the 6th and 7th key points are Technology Acceleration and flywheel. This book was cited by several members of the Wall Street Journal’s CEO council. Moreover, he made a list of American companies in different categories. The writer Jim Collins is an American author, researcher, and consultant at business management and growth. He graduated from Stanford University in mathematics sciences.
Also, he worked for McKinsey and earned his Ph.D. from Stanford School of business. He served the Stanford as teaching staff. After that, he starts writing and speaking about entrepreneurship. Further, he authored several books on this and business management. His prominent work includes Great by Choice and How Mighty Fall