Book: They Say I Say by Gerald Graff and Cathy Birkenstein
They say I say by Gerald Graff and Cathy Birkenstein pdf free download and spoken English. Sometimes a very good writer writing novels has no sense to enter in discussion and to talk in between its character. So, to overcome such hurdles he wrote this book. It also shows the moves that matter to students. The idea of this came from his personal experience. When he was studying and teaching at university.
He observed the issues that a mostly teacher faces during teaching English. So, he compiled and provided a solution in this book. Also, when a template is written it only focuses on the attention of the reader. It does not consider the requirements of writing. The central rhetorical move that focused on this book is the “they say I say” template that gives the title. In my view, this template represents the deep, underlying structure, the internal DNA as it were, of all effective arguments.
Effective persuasive writers do more than make well-supported claims (“I say”). They also map those claims relative to the claims of others (“they say”). These templates also have a generative quality, prompting students to make moves in their writing that they might not otherwise make or even know they should make. The templates this book can be particularly helpful for students who are unsure about what to say, or who have trouble finding enough to say.
Often because they consider their own beliefs so self-evident that they need not be argued for. Students like this are often helped, we’ve found. when we give them a simple template like the following one for entertaining a counterargument. Gerald Graff was an English professor at the University of Illinois Chicago. He did his master’s from Stanford University. Most of his life spent on research work. Because he belongs to the teaching profession. He tried to remove the hurdles he faced in teaching English and reading English.
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