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Mujarrabat e bu Ali Sina pdf free download is now on freebooksmania. Bu-Ali-Sina was a great Muslim scholar, scientist, Mathematician, and physicist. He was born in Bukhara and got early education there. The enthusiasm of bu-Ali-Sienna had moved towards to therapeutic from Mathematics. bu Ali Sina books in Urdu pdf He went to one city to another city for learning. He could compose his own particular book at 21 years old years. He could compose in excess of 450 volumes on restorative science. In any case, nobody perceived his endeavors throughout his life. He was kicked the bucket in June 1037 in the Hamadan the popular city of Iran. After the 200 years after the fact of his demise, Mankind reThe enthusiasm of bu-Ali-Sienna had moved towards to medicinal from Mathematics. He went to one city to another city for learning. He could compose his own book at 21 years old years. He could compose in excess of 450 volumes on medicinal science. Be that as it may, nobody perceived his endeavors throughout his life. He was kicked the bucket in June 1037 in the Hamadan the renowned city of Iran. After the 200 years after the fact of his demise, Mankind remembered he was one of the greatest personality in the historical backdrop of medicinal Science.