Don Quixote pdf free download it is an old Spanish book. The book was published in two parts in 1605 and 1615, it is a founding work of western literature. Moreover, this book is considered the 1st modern book of literature. This book provided cement to Spanish literature. The plot of the novel revolves around the adventures of a person named Alonso Quixano. He reads many novels and romantic adventures.
After that, he decided to leave the world and become a knight-errant to revive chivalry under the name Don Quixano and he recruits farmers and fights for their rights. He always wants to build the world on a new basis and sees everything from different angles. Moreover, he had different people in his army and everyone tells stories from their real-life experiences. In the first part of the novel, a protagonist named Alonso Quixano tells his story. Further, in the middle of the book, his name is revealed and his mind changes to become a knight-errant and fought for chivalry.

The second part of the novel is the destruction of Don’s library. His made, niece, and wife enter the library, they want to filter the books but all the books were romantic and worth of burning. So, they burn all the books including the important one. This book is designed on the episodic structure. In the French revolution, it was known for its central ethic that induvial right in society.
Also, many critics admired the nobility and idealism are viewed and comments are given on this book and his theories. In July 1604 Cervantes sold the rights of the book to the publisher, Francisco de Robles, for an unknown price. Moreover, the printed edition of the book came in the market on 16 January 1605. Sale of these copies deprived of rights of 1st edition, and 1607 an edition was printed in Brussels.