Book: All quiet on the western front by Erich Maria

All quiet on the western front by Erich Maria Remarque pdf free download is a novel written after world war 1. This novel describes the condition of soldiers who were fighting at the front line. All the time brave army and soldiers. The people who sacrificed many things. Their lifestyle fully changed after the war. This book is initially written in german language by a german writer. But, later on, it translated to English by a British writer.

W. Wheen Fawcett crest. This book goes too much fame after the war. In only 11 months of its print about millions of copies sold. The novel basically defines the psyche of soldiers who were fighting at the front line. Who faced everything. They protected the nation. In the war everything is legal. They fought with death. Also, they have faced death bravely. They have seen the death from the distance of feet.

When the war was over and these soldiers returned home. Their life changed. They start living quietly. No ore interest in politics and country affairs. Only focusing on their lives. They seem frightened. This book was a ban from nazi germans during world war ii. They burned this book. Because this book discourages soldiers and civilians to take part in national activities. How brutality has done with fighters on the battlefield.

Because in world war ii germans required enthusiasm again. Erich Maria Remarque was a german novelist. He is mostly known for his novel all quiet on the western front. This novel mainly defines the life of soldiers. Because in 1917 he also joins imperial army to serve the nation and country. His school teacher was to patriot. He always made speeches on bravery and patriotism. He impresses by his talk. His all classmates and he himself joined the army.

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