Book: Har Pal Sath by Dua Fatima
Har Pal Sath by Dua Fatima pdf free an episodic novel. Now its 8th episode is online here. It’s an awesome romantic novel by the writer. When you are reading you realized its importance. In fact, the world is round. Although, the human is a social animal and he must live a better life. He requires the company of the same things he likes. It may be men, animals, pets and some other technical things. So, when a man is in the company of his friends, he looks happier. Even, if you are in the company of your wife it is better. You will enjoy the company of your classmates.
Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success.
Flirting with other, loving pets is awesome. Sometimes, you feel sad, it’s due to your not getting comfortable with things around you. The story is plotted in Karachi and Aania is a leading character. She is found is driving a car. A beautiful young lady. She is too much strong lady. Moreover, an athlete is an expert in swimming, diving, horse riding, fighting. Haider Ali is a boy leading this story and he loves a girl that is a British Muslim. Further, the story leads by them. Dua Fatima is a popular and famous fiction writer. She is too much known is the young generation.
Her novel is truly loving. she writes for Sohni Digest and some other popular daily digests. She is most popularly known in a female. In addition, she is also a famous content writer. A high-profile freelancer she writes articles for newspapers and famous magazines. I was astonished when I saw her work. Her work was awesome and appreciating. She did a great job. Still doing for literature.