Book: Chanda by Kubra Naveed
Chanda by Kubra Naveed pdf free an episodic novel and now its 7th episode is available here in pdf form. It’s a story on the struggle of a starving girl named Chanda. Chanda belongs to a poor backward family. She wants to support her family. Actually, the purpose of this novel is to elaborate on women empowerment. Moreover, women’s empowerment is highlighted beautifully. A woman is not weak than man. Chanda is a leading character in the novel. This is a beautiful romance novel by Kubra Naveed. She encountered a boy in the first week of university. She fell in love with her. But, its a matter of her future and her family. She ignores her love and wants to be a successful person in her life.
My true potential had more to do with my willingness to struggle than with my past and present circumstances.
Adil is another character of a novel who loves with Chanda. On the other side Khadija and Shuja. They always fight with each other. On the contrary, they love each other. But fights were usual. The story reveals that women are not less than any other. Chanda has proved herself. She could be a jobholder, an athlete. It’s our right to educate a girl and allow her to fulfill her desires. She could play an important role in social development. Moreover, Khadija bint-e-Hawa is a religious girl and focuses on her faith as well as on materialist stuff.
Kubra Naveed is a famous Pakistani novelist and fiction writer. Her way of writing is beautiful she writes mostly for women. Her main writing is women empowerment. She did it very beautifully. Her novels inspired too much to the youth. Paved them to the way of success. Her novels are mostly published in episodic format in different monthly digests. A new episode comes after a month. This is the reason for her publicity and digests have too many readerships.