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Book: Abdullah by Hashim Nadeem

Abdullah Novel complete pdf by Hashim Nadeem is a hit social romantic urdu novel and love. Abdullah Novel complete pdf by Hashim Nadeem is the story which  is very beautifully written and it is a self redemption story,that how a man love travels from a human to the Allah Almighty.It is a story of Abdullah who fell in love with a beautiful virgin Zohra.but the girl did;t accept his love as she was already in love with someone other.
The main theme of the novel is how a love purest form “ishq” changes from “ishq e majazi” a love to human to”ishq e majazi” love of Allah.The story is highly motivating and painful as the only thing in this world is love and if it is true than it can change everybody completely his soul and life.the main theme of the story is revolved around spirituality. Sahar fell in love with Zohra. He left his home and strts to live on a saint mazar. Sahar was a rich boy. but in love he left his luxury life.
lives like a saint. he sarts working with Sultan baba. Sultan was his spirituall mentor. he takes responsibilty of his empowerment in spituality. this novel is completly based on spirtuality.Hashim Nadeem is a famous Pakistani writer. He is known due to his mind-blowing romantic novels. As well as, he also writes spirituality novels. His novels are the love of the new generation. He is the man who put generation in the right way. his novels provide us a pure picture of our personality.
Besides, he is a drama writer, film writer, and fiction writer. Hashim has written many tv series. Hashim was born in Quetta Baluchistan on 3 February 1973. After his matriculation, he joined cadet college. became a commissioned officer. But he soon left the army. Moreover, Hashim is an MBBS doctor. He passed the CSS examination and became a CSP officer. So, he is still ion his service as an officer.
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