While it’s expected that students perform at their best all the time, this isn’t feasible. The average student’s academic life is filled with ups and downs, and so maintaining a high level of performance constantly is hard for most. One area where they face the most challenges has to do with learning.
If you’re a student struggling with understanding your books, there are steps you can take to overcome this challenge, and in this article, we go over seven of them.
6 Tips On How Students Can Solve Learning Difficulties

As students, it’s normal to face learning difficulties from time to time, but it’s important not to let these struggles discourage you. Instead, you can follow any of these following seven strategies to guide you towards your academic goals:
- Identify The Problem
- Ask For Help
- Break It Down
- Take Breaks
- Use Visual Aids
- Find A Study Group
- Leverage TechnologyIdentify The Problem
The first step towards overcoming one’s learning difficulties is to first understand the source of the problem. If you look at the same page for hours without understanding anything, you could be distracted. Perhaps constantly worrying about projects and essay assignments is preventing you from concentrating as you read. For both of these examples, you can rely on WritingUniverse to help make your life easier. This online writing service offers students a vast array of academic writing services, which include essays, dissertations, papers, and much more. Also, with prices being reasonably set, you can afford to let them handle your assignments moving forward. This would give you enough time to relax and focus on your learning.
1. Ask For Help
Once you have been able to identify what the problem is, you should work towards fixing it. One way of doing this is by asking for help. No one individual has all the knowledge in the world, and by asking, you can save yourself time and hardship. If you notice you can’t learn properly, then consider talking to your teachers.
While they might appear out of touch to some, teachers are among the best sources of information and learning, especially if you’re a student. Simply thinking about it for a few seconds will let you see why. The average teacher would have taught hundreds of classes before they became your tutor. With an experience like this, they will be more than likely able to help you narrow down the cause of your learning difficulties and also offer solutions.
2. Break It Down
Sometimes, another reason why you can’t learn as fast as you would normally do could be because what you’re learning is truly complex. In such instances, it’s a good idea to break it down. Take your study material and try to make it smaller. By reducing your workload into more manageable pieces, you stand a better chance of comprehending better.
For instance, let’s say you’re stuck trying to understand a complex physics topic. After applying step one and understanding what the problem is, you find that you are missing some prerequisite knowledge. Now, what you do next is to isolate everything you need to learn and pick them off, one by one. When you’re done, you can then resume your originally complex physics topic and approach it with better ease.
3. Take Breaks

It’s important to take breaks when studying to avoid burnout. Rather than spend hours studying, you should have a schedule that includes time for personal breaks. When you are overworked, even the simplest concepts can become difficult to understand. So, as much as possible, try and include time to take short walks, stretch, or do something fun to give your brain a break. It will not only serve as an opportunity to pause and recharge but can also be the source of inspiration you need to make some breakthroughs with your learning.
4. Use Visual Aids
Another reason why you might be struggling to learn could be as a result of how you’re studying in the first place. There are different learning styles, and for some, they benefit more from having visual aids. Rather than read a book without any images, these types of learners would prefer illustrative handouts and materials. If you notice you find it difficult to understand when reading, consider reading books that contain diagrams, flowcharts, or other forms of visual aid.
5. Find A Study Group
As mentioned earlier, there are different learning styles, and for some, it’s better to study in a group. This is because studying alone often makes them lose focus and get distracted with either their phones or laptops. However, by studying in a group of serious-minded students, you’re more likely to follow along and be more focused. Also, these types of studying sessions can also help students to better assist each other in understanding complex topics.
6. Leverage Technology

Last but not least, there are many apps and tools available that can help you study and learn more effectively. With a music player today, you can have white noise drown out any distractions from your environment. You can also get noise-canceling headphones to ensure no matter where you are, you can create a quiet study space by filtering out background noise. There are honestly so many ways to use technology to your advantage, so feel free to find the ones that work best for you.
Bottom Line
Feeling like your hard work isn’t reflected in your learning can be a very discouraging feeling. But rather than let it get to you, you should do your best to overcome it. You should identify the problem, don’t be shy in asking for help, and follow the other tips in this article to help improve things. Just remember to stay positive in everything you do and trust in yourself.
Author’s Bio
Terrylin Nix is a freelance writer but spends most of her time as a life coach. She enjoys helping people as it’s her way of being a force for good. When she doesn’t have work to deal with, you’ll find that Terrylin is an excellent guitarist.