The road less traveled pdf is written by Dr. M Scott Peck in 1978. M. Scot Peck was an American Psychiatrist. This work was the reason for his popularity and because of this piece of literature, he gained the title of best-selling author. It is a life-changing and timeless book that focuses on inner growth and tells us the importance of delayed gratification. It is a spiritual classic that helps us grow and face challenges and solve our problems through discipline, love, and grace.
The book tells us that life is difficult and if we accept this reality our life will become easy. We try to run from our problems instead of confronting them which causes distress and pain in us later. This can be avoided by facing them and by trying to resolve them. Moreover, he told the art of relationship and love. Love is not about dependency if you love someone you have to be open and not bound your other half in any way.
Love is knowing the difference between two people and then owning and respecting the differences. We must go with the truth no matter what because latera lie becomes regret and become a source of pain. We cannot solve and do anything in life without discipline. Last and not least is if we learn delayed gratification in our life, we can become mentally strong.
The road less traveled pdf book for learning the art of relationships and self-realization. The first two sections of the book are about life and love but later ones are about religious believes. The book has an excellent flow and the language of the writer is simple which makes it easy to understand. As M Scot Peck wrote it after his own research and real-life examples it has its own charm. It has influenced many people until now. If you want to have a change in life this book is one for you. The book pdf download link is given below: