Summary of Paradise Lost by John Milton
Paradise Lost pdf was written by John Milton. This poem consists of two versions. The first version consists of ten books and it was published in 1667. The second version consists of twelve books and was published in 1674. Jhon Milton served as a civil servant for the commonwealth of England. John Milton was a marvelous English poet. He gained the repute of the greatest writer after the death of Shakespeare. His most famous work was Paradise Lost and he did this beautifully.
This poem is actually the earliest story of man, Adam. It is not actually about the man but it is about his disobedience against God and how the man and Eve fall. This book gives the answer to how and why Adam disobeyed his Master. The story tells that disobedience was not done by humans intentionally but it was actually the revenge of Satan from God. When God did not offer him control of the thing which Satan wanted. Satan was powerful and obedient to God but he gradually lost all his powers due to his evil deeds. Satan confronted God and then made His creatures to disobey Him.
I was amazed by this poem and thought about an informative incident that happened in the past. I actually related this story to the modern world how people sometimes get their selves into trouble for a small pleasure. Firstly, I have gained that pride can also be the cause of distress. These pleasures of the world are only an illusion. This was actually a thankless attitude towards one’s powers that were lost by Satan. The lost paradise pdf gives a huge lesson to us about how to live a peaceful and sustainable life to live. Milton had put his whole heart to write this and he has gained the attention of so many people. It is a captivating poem and a quick read piece of English Literature. You can get the ebook pdf free from below: