Book: The End of the Affair by Graham Greene
Ebook pdf free The End of the Affair by Graham Greene is a story of lovers that happen to break up, due to different conditions. The situations are very notable, and much realistic for the readers, that seems like it happened before. It made us believe in the fact that nobody cares, even if it is your love.
A story, that moved the readers to tears, is a splendid example of a chain of unknown lovers. Certainly, everyone has to suffer such emotions, to learn why we should not. Graham Greene has written such novels and stories that the Englishmen think as an asset of English literature.
Not only his storylines but his way of describing things is also unique and matchless. He gave his point of view about almost every problem that we face as people of the 21st century. Most importantly, he was never afraid about the reaction of critics, community or naysayers, he did whatever he wanted to! Freebooksmania is providing his writings for free books in pdf form.