The conclusion wraps up every academic discussion. Whether you are writing a 5-paragraph essay or a 300-pages dissertation, it must have a conclusion. The length of the conclusion will depend on that of the entire paper.
A captivating essay conclusion is meant to capture the imagination of the reader. It also helps the reader to relate all the ideas you have gathered through data, Literature Review, and personal ideas. To write a good conclusion, you need to understand its purpose in essay writing. Here are a few insights on the purpose of the conclusion in essay writing.
- It restates your thesis- in the course of reading tens of pages, the reader is likely to forget or get carried by the ideas you are discussing. The conclusion acts as a reminder of the ideas you wanted to discuss in your paper. The reader can now recollect his mind and begin to see the bigger picture in your discussion.
- It summarizes all your ideas- essays can be lengthy. At the same time, a single idea is discussed over numerous paragraphs. It will take the conclusion to remind the reader about the points you were discussing and the outcomes of your evaluation.
- It provides your final thoughts- a reader takes your cue when concluding the essay. The essay explored what other scholars have discussed about a subject. It also collected data that pointed towards a particular direction. You had personal ideas about the subject. Use the conclusion to bind all these perspectives and declare a stand. It is a moment to reveal a truth that could have escaped past scholars or not been captured by data provided in the past.
On the surface, the conclusion is like a desert during a meal. It determines the impression or the taste a reader will carry home from your paper. Make it as memorable as possible. It will lead some readers to return to your paper for reference purposes.
Here are expert tips on how to write the best essay conclusion.
1. Refer to the introduction

The introduction was used to usher the reader into your discussion. It included a topic sentence that set the pace for your discussion. Capture this sentence as a reminder of the genesis of your discussion.
The topic sentence acts as a reset button during a discussion. It reminds the reader about the direction you intended to take with the discussion. With the reminder, the reader can determine whether you remained faithful to the perspective you had chosen.
The introductory paragraph will be the reference point as you open your conclusion. Your point of view is not supposed to change in the course of writing the essay. The conclusion justifies the thesis statement you made in the introduction. However, the justification at this point is supported by Literature Review, data, and the ideas you sort to espouse in your essay.
While you refer to the introduction, it is not a chance to rewrite it. It only acts as a reference point. Mention it in passing and to justify the work or discussion that followed the introduction. Notice the difference between the introduction and conclusion. The introduction begins with a general idea that narrows down to your current subject of discussion. However, the conclusion takes the opposite trajectory. It begins from a specific point that you were discussing to the general application of your findings. It is the only way all your effort in writing the paper and researching the subject will make sense or find a home.
2. Keep the conclusion short

The conclusion should be the shortest part of your paper. It involves folding the discussion because all the ideas have already been discussed in the body of your paper. With nothing new to add to the discussion, it can only be as short as possible.
Do not explain your conclusion. The data, Literature Review, and personal ideas you captured in the body of your paper already gave an idea of what to expect in your paper. For this reason, you only mention a hypothesis you developed earlier and the corresponding conclusion.
A short conclusion means that you draw your ideas from the body of the discussion. Mention the thesis question or questions and the answers you have come up with during research. A short conclusion is easier to follow.
3. Do not introduce new ideas

Stick to the ideas you have discussed in the body of your paper. The conclusion is supposed to be as short as possible. It is also aimed at stitching together your hypothesis with the evidence presented in the body of your paper. It should, therefore, be as short as possible.
New ideas would require data to support them. They also need collaboration by other scholars. Adding such information to the conclusion of your essay will only make it longer. Keep the conclusion short by focusing on the ideas you already discussed in the body of your essay.
4. Capture the emotions of your reader

The conclusion is a send-off. You want readers to buy your point of view based on the evidence you have presented. It is time to use emotion-evoking words to close the discussion. Get expert conclusion writing help from MyPaperWriter to make your paper captivating to read.
To buy the reader to your point of view, you must highlight the favorable revelations in your data and Literature Review. Make it as strong and appealing as possible. Ignore ideas that may weaken this appeal.
5. Make the conclusion logical

The conclusion must be drawn from the ideas discussed. If the data is pointed in a particular direction, your conclusion should follow. A conclusion that deviates from the data or Literature Review will pass as weak and unconvincing.
By the time a reader is concluding, he has already formed an opinion. It will be outrageous to turn the tables against what the data states. Fidelity to your data and Literature Review strengthens the conclusion.
A captivating conclusion allows the reader to view the entire discussion in a nutshell. Appeal to his emotions using the strongest points possible. Stick to the ideas discussed in the body of the essay and make a logical conclusion that will convince the reader to follow your perspective.