The awakening pdf free download was written by Kate Chopin in 1899. She was an American author of short stories and novels. Some American authors thought that she was a feminist author. She was best known for the stories about the inner life of sensitive and daring women. The awakening is considered to be one of his best works.
In awakening, Kate has beautifully described the daring woman. Kate has used a parable of Edna Pontellier who was a married woman. In her city especially, in summers there was a ritual to escape from the heat and to relax all the children and women enjoys at ocean and men went out for their businesses. The same was with Edna. Her husband’s name was Leonce. Soon she met a gallant named Robert Lebrun whose mother rent out the cottage at the ocean.
She talked to him regularly and after some time she was feeling affection for him. When Robert came to know her feeling, he left the island. She became sad and missing him. Her husband returned and she set to his husband’s old routine. She soon left it out and started doing things that please herself. Her husband took it ill. She met Robert but he was not in her life anymore. Leaving everything and living her own life, she felt triumphed.
According to me, this story has portrayed a great message for all women to live for themselves. In the story, this was so nice that the woman begins thinking about herself as an autonomous creature. The woman had developed a rebellious behaviour against the rules and traditions of the world. The most daring this was done by her is to leave her husband and having an affair. She not only does for herself but also a step for all other women in her ocean. You can get the ebook pdf free from below: