Book: The House on Mango Street by Sandro Cisneros
The house on mango street is an intriguing story written by author Sandra Cisneros. She faced hardships like puberty, sexual assault and the tragic death of her family members. These subsequent hardships, at a very early stage, turned Esperanza into a strong woman. So, the novel depicts the lifestyle of a young girl who moved into a small house. But she never liked the house.” It’s small and red with tight steps in front and windows so small you’d think they were holding their breath. On the other hand, Esperanza never received the attention from men that some of her friends received.
Moreover, she tells about women that had so many children that she didn’t know what to do.” Rosa Vargas’s kids are too many and too much. Moreover, the kids bend trees and bounce between cars and dangle. Nevertheless, upside down from knees and almost break. Esperanza is the protagonist of the story. Furthermore, Sally with the eyes likely of Egyptians and nylons the color of smoke was beautiful with hair as shiny and black like raven feathers. Yet, Nanny one of the siblings of Esperanza. Too young to accompany Esperanza’s jokes and her secrets.
Similarly, most of the actions in the novel took place in the neighborhood streets with friends, in Gil’s junk shop and happenings at school. The settings in the story like a house on the mango street, Edna’s back porch, Memes backyard suggested Esperanza’s community. However, the writer enriched the literature through humor, sadness, and assault. This book is really intriguing as it depicts the story of a young girl. I would recommend this book to everyone as people can simply relate it to the characters.
Sandra Cisneros is a Mexican-American writer. As well as, she is well known for her first novel” The House on Mango Street”. Her ensuing short story collection ” Women Hollering Creek and other stories. The common subjects described in her literature are cultural hybridity and economic inequality. Cisneros belong to a variety of professional positions. Serving as a teacher, a counselor, a college recruiter, a poet in schools and an arts administrator.