Book: The Quiet American by Graham Greene
The Quiet American pdf free download by Graham Greene is a story of an American, that always keep smiling and quiet. People always wonder why that guy won’t try to talk with people. He had nothing to do with the good and bad of society.
Once Stephen Hawking said,
Quiet people have louder minds.
Apparently, He was annoyed by the hypocritic attitude of the community that he had to face. But, that guy realized and learned different lessons, that he could learn from his failures and the things that let him down. Graham Greene has written such novels and stories that the Englishmen think as an asset of English literature.
Not only his storylines but his way of describing things is also unique and matchless. He gave his point of views about almost every problem that we face as people of the 21st century. Most importantly, he was never afraid about the reaction of critics, community or naysayers, he did whatever he wanted to! Freebooksmania is providing his writings for free in pdf form.