Book: Battlefield Earth by L. Ron Hubbard
Ebook pdf free Battlefield Earth by L. Ron Hubbard is a novel that may be the best success of the writer. It completely represents the evil face of humanity. It makes us believe that there would be no wars, fights, conspiracies or murders if there would be no humans. The true facts can never be assimilated by people that are not realistic. History is the best witness that every man wants to have maximum authority. It can never be a better decision to have everything that one wants!
Lust of money, alcohol, fame and reputation is deadly!
We have not bargained for the drawbacks of our technology, our struggle to dominate, which is needed to be asserted! Life is like heaven when you make yourself to help others, to bring comfort for the poor. L. Ron Hubbard is an English writer, that have written books, the most.
A writer, that has written greatest number of books, always thought that there are glitches in the world. There is something wrong with the people, at the part of what they believe. He highlighted that if there is something wrong with that world, it is just because of not accepting mistakes. And, all of us need to take that responsibility, because we all are suffering from that! His views are weird, but, certainly, make sense. Freebooksmania is providing his writings for free in ebook pdf form.